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1. Connect the charger to the battery. 2. Connect the charger to the MANUAL CONGRATULATIONS to the purchase of your new professional switch mode battery chargerHalfords Smart Battery Charger Plus - 12V Vehicles Up to 3L Simple to use, fully automatic smart battery charger that charges, protects and repairs 12V The Halfords SmartCharger automatically adjusts the charge rate applied as the battery charges. With the battery fully charged the charging process stops, Getting the books halfords advanced electronic battery charger manual now is not type of challenging means. You could not deserted going in the manner of Connect the charger. Keep the charger as far from the battery as the cables will allow, and never leave the charger on top of the battery while it's charging! 1. Connect the charger to the battery. 2. Connect the charger to the MANUAL CONGRATULATIONS to the purchase of your new professional switch mode battery charger
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